2023 – Available Kids, Yearlings, Adult Doe

We have two yearling wethers who are solid fleece producers, two 2023 doelings and a 2-yr-old unbred doe available for sale.

 Photos and details below:

GPP Perseus, 1-yr-old

Sire – Fat Bottom Farms Duncan, Dam – Gun Plain Pygoras Leena

Perseus has a soft, dense fleece, and a sturdy conformation. $250

GPP Penn, 1-yr-old

Sire – Fat Bottom Farms Duncan, Dam – Gun Plain Pygoras Kristal

Penn is a big yearling with a huge fleece. $250

GPP Roxy, 12 days old

Sire – Permanent Grand Champion, Gun Plain Pygoras Junio, Dam – Gun Plain Pygoras Daisy

Roxy is an inquisitive doeling; will likely be a large-bodied doe, like her dam. $450

GPP Rita, 12 days old

Sire – Permanent Grand Champion, Gun Plain Pygoras Junio, Dam – Gun Plain Pygoras Daisy

Rita is a lively doeling; average size, nice conformation. $450

Nadia, 2-yr-old, Type-B fleece

Gun Plain Pygoras Nadia; Sire – Permanent Grand Champion, Gun Plain Pygoras Junio; Dam – Gun Plain Pygoras Dasha. Unbred. $550

Nadia: Consistent fleece, good width of body, solid legs.

Nadia: Solid conformation, good fleece coverage.

As we plan to attend several shows in 2023, arrangements might be made for delivery to an area near you! We offer a multi-goat discount of 10%. Contact information: fiatluxfibers@hotmail.com